Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tree House Update

Per Request, here is the latest on the tree house:

Several months ago, Tyson sat down with the three boys and discussed what they wanted in a tree house should they get one.  See here for that post about their planning/scheming.  It was adorable their long list of things.

Tyson has wanted to build a tree house for the boys for a long time now.  After he talked to the boys, he went outside, found the right trees and then made a plan.  Tyson is a detailed person, so a lot of thinking and mapping went into it.

When his mom and dad came after we had baby Andrew, then they used some of this time to start on the project.  We used two big posts from the fallen carport to use as the main supports (that and the tree), and then built the main base. 

Tyson cut off some small limbs in the way and then painted the base.

Tyson is so attractive, especially when he is working. :)

That is how far we have gotten since it is expensive and pretty time consuming.  And I am not much help with the little man cub with me basically all day long. 

So the next step is to add a railing and then build the house part of it.  I'm sure it will take awhile to complete, especially if we had any of the things the boys really want like stairs and carpet and oh yeah, a pool that they can swing off the tree and jump into.  Just small stuff like that.

For sure though, the ladder will be the last thing added.  That way they can't get in it without us until it is ready.

But we are all really excited about the new addition to our property.

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