Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm with Marissa, I just love these things. Especially since today is rainy and cold. I just am not looking forward to going out into it in about an hour for work...

01. what time did you get up this morning? the first time, 6:30 with Tyson, for real, 8:00
02. diamonds or pearls? diamonds
03. what was the last film you saw at the cinema? "Becoming Jane," I was still pregnant.
04. what is your favorite tv show? Beverly Hillbillies, and Boy Meets World.
05. what do you usually have for breakfast? cereal, always cereal.
06. what is your middle name? Claire
07. what food do you dislike? mushrooms.
08. what is your favorite cd at moment? I haven't really listened to music since Josh was born, I don't know why...
09. what kind of car do you drive? an oldsmoblie cutless supreme, '89, we call her Samantha or Sammy for short.
10. favorite sandwich? pb&j.
11. what characteristic do you despise? i don't know, I think when people are always whispering and laughing at other people, especially when the others can hear them.
12. favorite item of clothing? pjs, I'm not really into clothes.
13. if you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Brazil, Wales, Scotland, Germany, Prince Edward Island, anywhere.
14. favorite brand of clothing? the comfy kind
15. where would you retire to? Oregon, Washington or New Hampshire.
16. what was your most recent memorable birthday? 2006, 6 days before my wedding, I turned 21 and Tyson, my Mom and Dad and I had a rootbeer chugging contest.
17. favorite sport to watch? basketball.
18. furthest you've ever taken a trip from your home? Italy or Bolivia, not sure which one is farther away, pretty sure Italy.
19. morning person or a night person? night if Tyson is home, otherwise morning, I do a lot at night, it came from my many days staying up late in high school to do homework.
20. what is your shoe size? 10, sometimes 11
21. pets? nope, not allowed to in our apartments, plus I don't like fur everywhere, but I do want a cat or a cute puppy someday.
22. any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? nope, i thought i was pregnant, but i'm not, thank goodness, I couldn't handle that so soon, although I already am baby hungry again.
23. what did you want to be when you were little? an artist and the first female president of the US.
24. what is your favorite flower? pansies, they remind me of my grandparents, and they are small and strong like me. I also love yellow roses.
25. what is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Next Monday, we are getting a crib for Joshua!
26. what are you listening to right now? the rain and Josh snoozing.
27. what was the last thing you ate? Burger King, totally bad for you but I was so hungry and we haven't gone shopping in weeks, so sad.
28. do you wish on stars? always, mostly for other people, I honestly have everything I want.
29. if you were a crayon, what color would you be? Rissa, I like your answer, but I think probably yellow, I would like to be the sunshine in all the little kid drawings, or maybe the brown, not very pretty but very useful.
30. how is the weather right now? rainy and very cold, but very pretty.
31. last person you spoke to on the phone? tyson
32. favorite soft drink? sprite.
33. favorite restaurant? Franks for the Memories, it is this cute little outdoor cafe here.
34. favorite toy as a child? I had a stuffed lamb named Jellybean when I was young, and then a doll named Lizzie when I got a little older.
35. summer or winter? summer, but not here, too muggy, summer in Utah.
36. chocolate or vanilla? chocolate, always chocolate.
37. when was the last time you cried? Too long ago, which probably means I will bawl tonight, I always have to cry.
38. what did you do last night? Tyson was in some meetings for church and someone came to the door knocking, so I hid with Josh in a closet for a few hours, hehe...I am so ashamed of how scared I get.
39. what are you afraid of? Dark nights, dying, but especially Josh or Tyson dying, I am consummed with that fear, and I check Josh to see if he is still breathing like a thousand times. I need to have more faith, less fear.
40. salty or sweet? sweet.
41. how many keys on your key ring? car, trunk, apartment, old work (oops, hehe), new work-5.
42. how many years at your current job? 7 months, 2 to go at my babysitting one. And 4 months, forever to go at being a mom.
43. favorite day of the week? Saturday, the only day I get to spend all day with Tyson.
44. favorite random thing that happens daily? the mail! I guess that isn't really random...

i tag you.


  1. cam i just think you're so great. that's all :)

  2. oh my gosh i would pay big money to see your dad chug a mug of rootbeer!
