Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! (a day late)
I love this day, I just love holidays. So Tyson and I switch up who is in charge of Valentine's Day and our anniversary. So this year, I was in charge of V-day. So I hid cards all over the house, and I took him on a date to where we had our first kiss two years ago on v-day. It was freezing, so our date lasted like 5 min, but it was still way fun. He gave me a dozen yellow roses and tons of chocolate, I was so excited because I didn't even expect anything. I have to say having a husband is such a blast. He is so much fun and he loves to suprise me, which is so fun because I love suprises. But anyways, I keep going off, I wanted to say that I got a hair cut yesterday and I totally have bangs now. It is kind of weird and I feel like a shaggy dog, but I think it looks way cute. I will post a picture as soon as we find the cord to the camera...
I love you all!!!


  1. I want to see your hair!! That is so cute what you two did for V-Day!!! I got flowers too. I love getting flowers it just makes me so happy.

  2. cam tyson is so cute! i got bangs too!!! i haven't even posted about it yet. they are so fun huh!! except when mine get wet and go curly....hmmm, not so fun.

  3. Oh I bet you look so cute cami. I don't know how I missed it but I just discovered your cute blog. Thank you for being so dang cute. I am excited to see your hair. I bet you look like a doll. You guys are way to cute together.
