Wednesday, August 24, 2011

C is for Cookie

Okay, I love when I tell Josh there is flour in the cookies, he points to the flowers on the table and goes "no! those flowers!" And I don't even notice in the video, but watching it now, it is funny. :) They both wanted to see videos of themselves, that is why I am posting them, plus they are just cute.

Munching on Cereal

Just because he is cute and Tyson keeps reminding me he will be "replaced" soon. :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fundraiser for the Miller's

So this is a little bit different of a post. When Tyson and I first got married there was a couple that we got to know, the Miller's. They have since moved and had their third child, Seth, who has been basically in the hospital his whole life with a lot of medical problems. They are a really awesome family and I am very inspired by their courage and continuing faith. The medical bills they must be facing must be very intense. There isn't anything I can do to make Seth's complications any easier except pray, but I think I can help a little with the money. I want to do something, so I am having a little fundraiser for them. I am taking any chocolate orders in the next few days and any money I would make as commission off of it, I am donating to their family. So, if you would like to order chocolate and help their family, just email me in the next few days and let me know ( Or, you can donate straight to them: I'm sure they would be very grateful for anything you can do. Thanks!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dove Conference in Baltimore

The last week of July Tyson went to a conference in Lexington, KY and the boys and I were alone for a few days until I left for Baltimore for a Dove Chocolate Discoveries conference. We had so many awesome people watch the boys for us and I was SO glad I got to go. I had the time of my life! This is the few from my room, so high and so pretty. I woke up one morning to the sun rising and just layed there and watched it. Right next to our hotel they had these cute little dragon paddle boats. The boys would have loved it.

I learned a lot, got really motivated, but I made some awesome friends too. This is me and Liz the night of the banquet. She is awesome!

Everyone was freaking out because I was dancing so much. I can't help it, I LOVE to dance! They all thought I was going to go into labor or something. Hehe

The whole dreamnchocolate team. Me and Bertina (right of me) are both pregnant and due the same day, crazy huh?


Eating... (the far left is Bekah, she is my upline and AWESOME!)

This is Allyson, and she was the one that took most of these pictures. If not for her, I would have the one from my hotel room and that is about it. I am so bad about taking pictures.

General Session. It was more like a pep rally the whole time, with tons of music and prizes. It was SO much fun! Plus we got to try all the new products. Toffee, sugar-free chocolate covered caramels, white chocolate pear cider, cinnamon rolls, pretty much the best stuff ever!Walking around after dinner the first night we were there.

Betty Palm, DCD president.

Chef Mark, he comes up with a lot of the new products and ways to use them. Not to mention he is hilarious.

Me, Billi Jo and Betty, two other ladies on my team. They are so funny, especially Billi Jo, man she has attitude. :)

Then this is when they were telling us where we are going for our incentive trip this coming year. The joked about ice fishing trips, out west, scuba diving, stuff like that (it explains their outfits), but then they told us it is DOMINICAN REPUBLIC at this super awesome resort. I am so excited! So that is what I am working towards now, getting there and taking my fabulous Tyson with me (and probably the baby too as he will still be so small). So we will see...but I am so excited and I love chocolate!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Big Mama being a Big Baby

It is a funny thing being pregnant, it kind of consumes me and everything I do. For most of the pregnancy I have tried to avoid really thinking about it, that way kind of hoping it would go by faster. But then he started moving, and moving a ton. It would freak me out because why is my stomach wigging out? Oh yeah, because there is a parasite growing in there. :)

Then I started running into things and tripping over things because I can't see. The worst was running into the side mirror of the van right in front of the post office, I went flying backwards being bounced from my belly like it was rubber or something. This lady was like "Oh wow, are you okay?" I think I said "Oh yeah, happens all the time." Caleb and Josh just stared at me on the sidewalk. I wonder if they have hit the point where they think I am weird sometimes, I hope not. I hope that doesn't come for a long time. I like being the most amazing person in the world to them.

So yeah, and then today, Josh couldn't fit between me and the wall when I was sitting at the table. He asked me to scoot in, sad news, I really couldn't. It is hard explaining to your kid you no longer can hold him, or set him on your lap, or do a whole lot of things because you are just "too big" in the belly area. Poor little boys of mine.

But they are both really excited for their new brother. Josh asks if the baby is kicking and wants to feel it, which is really cute. They both are so anxious for the baby to come. Josh asked me if my belly button is the button to push to get the baby out. I wish it was that easy. Part of me is really scared to have another kid, I mean, how will I function with even less sleep? How will I handle Josh's endless questions that are sure to come about breastfeeding and where the baby came out and all kinds of other lovely things that he is sure to ask that I never dreamed of.

The other part of me can't wait for the little guy to get out of me. It has been a much more taxing pregnancy than with my other two, part of that is age I am sure. I am not as young as I was and this isn't my first. All kinds of things are stretched and weak that weren't before. Plus, I am not in any kind of good shape, my muscles are weak and that doesn't help. I find myself feeling like there are constant knots in my back and that my hip bones are slowly being rubbed down by the bowling ball that is resting on them. My legs "pop" out of place all the time, at least that is what it feels like. I assume that is just all the loose everything to get ready for the birth, but it isn't pleasant whatever it is.

And yet, I am so lucky. Last night I had a major meltdown, it was bound to happen sooner or later, I am just a meltdown kind of girl. I think most girls are. I cried because I hurt, because I always hurt, it hurts to walk/waddle, even getting dressed is painful. I am so sick of having to pee or peeing whether I want to or not every five minutes or every time I cough or sneeze. It is so annoying. And I hate that I get mad so easy. Usually I tend to get sad, weepy or depressed, not mad. It is a new one for me. I have to constantly tell myself to breath, that no, that person didn't mean to offend me, the doors, drawers, stools, walls, children are not purposely get in my way. I am pretty sure the computer isn't any slower or faster than usual, but jeepers it drives me crazy waiting for what seems like forever. It is worse because Kenni is not here. She was here with both of my other babies when I was this far along. Now she is not here to distract me and make it seem fun. But yeah, so I am crying and cranky and hating that I am crying and cranky. Tyson of course is perfect and just holds me.

That is when I figure I just need to be thankful. I am not on bed rest, the baby is super healthy, I can do pretty much everything I need to, somethings are just a little harder, but not too bad. 5 weeks really is not that far away, as eternal as it seems right now, it really isn't. I have my chocolatiering and my writing and my calling with the young women to keep me busy, not to mention all the blissfully endless housework and my adorable two rascals. Plus we have great air conditioning, so even though it is super hot outside, I rarely notice. How is that for a summer pregnancy? I am so lucky.

So for some reason I really wanted to write about all this. Probably because that is most of what I think about lately, getting huge with child really has been the foremost on my mind lately. And what is a blog but an online journal? So here is to the next five weeks being great ones and me being happy and enjoying it!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Summer Crazies

This is Jack, he is our buddy. Fell asleep on our kitchen floor, I thought it was the cutest thing! There really is something about the summer that makes people act different. They get so tired and so crazy. We have been having a lot of fun, especially in the rain.

And this is my personal favorite. Yes, he really was dancing and singing in the rain. Funniest thing ever!

Soccer Camp

A few weeks ago our friend Courtney had a soccer camp for 3-4 year olds every morning. So we took Josh. It was the cutest thing in the entire world! He LOVED it too. He talked about Coach Courtney and how to cut and head butt and kick the ball with certain parts of his foot. I totally am not an athletic person, so it made me really happy to see him out there. I hope he always loves sports and having fun. It was so nice to talk to all the other parents and to see little Caleb wandering around the field enjoying his alone time. SO cute! I love my little boys!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Josh pulls out a dish from the fridge.

Josh: "Mama, what this say?" (referring to the word printed on top of the container)
Me: "It says Pyrex"
Josh: "PIRATES! Oh wow."

Then promptly shoves the food in his mouth like pirate food is much better than normal food.