Wednesday, April 2, 2008

10 Things

So, although I wasn't really tagged, I don't really care, I just was thinking about what I would write, so I am going to write it...
10 things most people don't know about me:

10. I hate being alone at night, and I really hate being alone when I am shopping.

9. When I had my c-section, I was more afraid of getting a cathader than getting cut open.

8. Whenever I am sick, I still only want my mom.

7. I am a really bad speller and I have awful grammar. However, I graduated with my major being English, kind of ironically sad.

6. I don't like olives, but I will eat them. However, I refuse to eat mushrooms.

5. If they was still running, I would have voted for Ron Paul, not Mitt.

4. I believed in the Easter Bunny until I was 12, even after I found out Santa wasn't real, I refused to believe the Easter Bunny didn't exist.

3. If I could, I would live off of rolls, fruit and chocolate all the days of my life.

2. I absolutely love the mail, even if it is just junk mail or bills. Which also reminds me that I love paying bills mostly because I love writing checks. Slightly absurd, I know.

1. I am not afraid of bees. Tyson calls me the "bee charmer."

I tag Kenni, Amber, and anyone else. I just like these things. I'm not sure why...


  1. Hey cami, it was fun to read those things about you! Your post about us going on a walk made me laugh. Trust me... you aren't the only one out of shape!

  2. I am so glad you did that!! I love tags. I don't like sleeping alone either but I've gotten really used to it. Josh is living in Utah right now so I never see him. I also love shopping alone!! But I could live off fruit too!!
