Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fundraiser for the Miller's

So this is a little bit different of a post. When Tyson and I first got married there was a couple that we got to know, the Miller's. They have since moved and had their third child, Seth, who has been basically in the hospital his whole life with a lot of medical problems. They are a really awesome family and I am very inspired by their courage and continuing faith. The medical bills they must be facing must be very intense. There isn't anything I can do to make Seth's complications any easier except pray, but I think I can help a little with the money. I want to do something, so I am having a little fundraiser for them. I am taking any chocolate orders in the next few days and any money I would make as commission off of it, I am donating to their family. So, if you would like to order chocolate and help their family, just email me in the next few days and let me know (camio18@hotmail.com). Or, you can donate straight to them: http://millermm.blogspot.com/. I'm sure they would be very grateful for anything you can do. Thanks!

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