Monday, October 20, 2008

Saturday January 26, 2002 (16 years old)

This one is dedicated to Tyson. ;) I love you Hunny.

"Glory of all glories,
So many complicating things have happened and I am the midst of complete confusion and caous....I want to marry a guy who loves me in every mood. Who cherishes every smile. Who stares at me but it is never uncomfortable. Who knows I make mistakes, but still loves me anyway. He will want a million kids and we will have fun naming them. A man who will take care of me when I'm sick, who will hold my hand. A man who will know I need him, a man who looks me in the eyes and sees beauty, and when I look in his I see stars. I just want the other half of me. I love you where ever you are. You are in my dreams and I pray I will one day become who I want to become. A girl of goodness and smiles and hugs and happiness. I will find you, when I find myself. But perhaps on my quest to find myself, I will find you and we will take the journey together! Look to the stars, my love, I am racing you there, and loving every step of the way. And from there, we will go to the moon, and then, to Heaven. I begin my journey today, I will try my very best. My words for you are this: until I meet you remember to keep your head straight and to do good things. Remember God's love, and never forget that the reason to be on Earth is to reach Him. I look forward to the day we meet, and to every day after that.
A Woman in Progress,
Camden Claire Hardy"

1 comment:

  1. that's intense for a 16 year old, you're kind of amazing...and i'm spankin glad you got all that in tys:) but tell me, do you really see the stars in his eyes? or you upside down? hehe.
